Epsilon Omega Graduate Chapter
The Ivy Family Support Center  
3515 Dolfield Ave 
P.O. Box 67006 (Use only for Mailing)
Baltimore, Maryland  21215
(410) 367-6750
Congratulations to Soror Ieesha Gillis!
Soror Gillis passed the Maryland Bar Examination in July 2009 and has been recommended for admission to the Bar of the State of Maryland. The bar admission ceremony will be held in mid-December 2009.

Congratulations to Soror Tonja Ringgold
Soror Ringgold will be inducted into the Ethel Hedgeman Lyle Leadership
Academy Hall of Fame at the Regional Conference.

Congratulations to Soror Edna Rich
Soror Edna Rich will receive an award for her service at the Howard Cornish Chapter of the MSU Alumni Association Breakfast on January 23, 2010, at Martin’s West.

Congratulations to Our 82 New Sorors of Alpha Delta Chapter
Pink Tea Roses to Sorors Adrienne Stokes Orange, Lois Knight Harrison, Tonja Ringgold, Caprisa Hooper and the others who served on the Graduate Advisory Council and assisted with the MIP process.